Rebecca Wells
It is absolutely frustrating the lack of accurate information given for their swim times. This whole past year it's been increasingly worse. I am so overwhelmed every day with work, homeschool, Dr/therapy appointments for my children and just normal mom/wife duties. I try so hard to schedule out a few hours here and there to do something fun with my 2 kids.
I look at my physical calendar, then remember it's always unreliable as we've showed up ready to swim only to discover they just closed access to kids and are doing some adults only exercise or lessons or sensory swim. So I look at my digital downloaded schedule and check it against the website which I'm always told when we arrive and my kids are upset they can't actually swim, that it is always accurate online and updated daily...well no. No it's not.
Being that they are 10 years apart, it's hard enough making sure to time the swimming schedules to where they each have age appropriate fun, but inevitably the rare occasion that we do get accurate information, my oldest has to sit out while the little one gets his toddler swim in then when it's his turn to be welcomed into the pool, the slide is generally not operating due to whatever reason that day presents.
I'm not the only one that has this issue for the fact that so many times when I'm here and frustrated about my kids' disappointment, an employee will comment too me that "allot of people have been complaining about that too". This is not new...its just becoming more of a normalcy. They make public statements about the schedules without an apology and only undertones of admittance of an actual issue dismissed with a pitiful inability to accept accountability and instead projecting blame on their members stating "We know that the aquatics and pool schedules in particular are difficult to read, and we are actively working on an alternative solution". No. They are not difficult to read. We can read them just fine. They are just massively inaccurate.
On top of that, when I call and talk to an employee, I'm given different information every time. Not just with swim schedules, but this whole new pricing structure also. After emails go out to everyone about the upcoming changes, they can't actually give any information on what the prices are going to change to for several weeks. Then they give out vague information but assure us that they are "actually going to save you a little money" and the price will "go down just a little if not stay the same even with childcare added". Then after it's past the date to be able to cancel before December's auto withdrawal, suddenly it's actually going to be higher. When I called a few weeks ago, the employee wouldn't even pull up my account to be able to answer my question about the new price. Seriously. She just have me an estimate....
15 years ago this place was the best place to be. Even 5 years ago it was still worth being a member. It's grown so much member wise, you'd think they would consider expanding or something. There's so many homeschool families during the day too that if you don't get here early enough for childcare, you're stuck waiting an hour or longer.
I'm just so disappointed with the quality of customer service and information given to us members on top of the ones running the show refusing to acknowledge their problems and turn it around on the members instead.